News Releases


Lawrence Receives NSF CAREER Award, Researching Application of Custom Polymers

September 27, 2024 BATON ROUGE, LA - Bottlebrush polymers (BBPs) are probably not something the average person considers in their daily routine, and yet, they have potential application in improving things widely used like contact lenses and the recyclability of plastics. The challenge is understanding and controlling the variable structures of these BBPs to create new properties and functions that would have the aforementioned results.

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LSU Computer Science's Baggili Working to Address Artificial Intelligence Investigations

September 25, 2024 BATON ROUGE, LA - Artificial intelligence (AI) is widely used on a daily basis, whether it's asking Alexa or nighttime with Netflix. But what happens if there are failures within the AI, and how are they investigated properly? For instance, if a hospital created an AI model that could detect a medical diagnosis and it led to an unnecessary treatment, that model would need to be investigated for how it was trained, who trained it, and on what machine it was trained.

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LSU and Our Lady of the Lake Health: Collaboration in Action on Athletes’ Health, Cancer, Obesity and More

LSU and Our Lady of the Lake Health, LSU’s Championship Health Partner, are working together to fight heart disease, cancer, accidents and chronic respiratory diseases, all leading causes of death in Louisiana that impact its citizens disproportionately. “This first investment demonstrates how top-notch university research combined with strong and strategic hospital partnerships bring better health to the people of Louisiana and beyond,” said Robert Twilley, vice president of research and economic development at LSU. “Our shared commitment to building and supporting winning research teams will translate to many new discoveries and solutions in years to come.” In an inaugural round of research funding—part of Our Lady of the Lake Health’s $170 million investment in LSU announced in 2022—the partners’ Collaboration in Action research program is investing a total of $1.2 million in five collaborative LSU research teams who will advance basic, clinical and translational science in five critical areas: cardiovascular disease and care; comprehensive cancer care; trauma and neuroscience; chronic respiratory disease; and sports medicine and performance.

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LSU Civil & Environmental Engineering Professor Studying Funding Models for Wildfire Prevention

September 23, 2024 BATON ROUGE, LA - Much like hurricane season in Louisiana, California deals with its own annual period of climate catastrophe during wildfire season, which typically runs from May or June until October or November. Restoration efforts can reduce the risk of wildfires, but restoration costs are high and often prohibit the landscape-scale restoration efforts needed for risk reduction.

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LSU Researchers Awarded $1.5 Million to Advance Worldwide Access to High-Performance Computing

September 13, 2024 data center The LSU researchers’ goal is to make high-performance computing more accessible across all computational platforms to a broader range of researchers and organizations—all to accelerate scientific research to solve global challenges. LSU researchers have been awarded a $1.5 million Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems, or POSE, grant from the National Science Foundation to advance the ecosystem surrounding HPX, a software library developed at LSU. Their goal is a fast and energy-efficient solution to increase worldwide access to high-performance computing. Lack of access and performance currently limits the success and usefulness of emerging technologies, such as AI and machine learning, and computational modeling in almost every field.

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LSU Electrical, Computer Engineering Professor Designs Intelligent Drone for Rescue Operations

September 18, 2024 BATON ROUGE, LA - The National Fire Protection Association estimates that one home fire-related death occurs in the U.S. every three hours and 14 minutes, and one home fire-related injury occurs every 53 minutes. These are numbers LSU Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor Xiangyu Meng hopes to change for the better through his design of an intelligent drone that will use thermal technology during rescue operations, particularly for firefighters.

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LSU, Integer Partner to Optimize U.S. Navy, Marine Corps Operations

September 9, 2024 BATON ROUGE, LA - A team of LSU researchers has been tasked with helping the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps make the transformation to Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO), which would allow the two military branches to move beyond traditional reliance on a few large vessels and instead emphasize a distributed network of smaller naval platforms that enhance presence and awareness in vital maritime regions.

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