Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to incoming mechanical engineering graduate students in various forms, such as research and teaching assistantships, as well as fellowships, through the department and other units on campus. It is important to note that acceptance into the ME graduate program does not automatically ensure funding. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to reach out to professors whose research aligns with their interests to inquire about any available assistantships. For an overview of research areas, please consult the faculty page.

Graduate Assistantships

ME graduate students have access to two primary types of graduate assistantships (GA's): research assistantships, which aid in research endeavors, and teaching assistantships, which support undergraduate coursework.

  • Research assistantships (RA's) are handled by individual faculty and are contingent upon funding secured from grants and contracts obtained from external sources.
  • Teaching assistantships (TA's) usually require a nomination by the student's major professor and are awarded based on the department's needs and the graduate students' qualifications. Effective communication skills are a key consideration in the allocation of teaching assistantships, alongside expertise in course content.

PhD students holding graduate assistantships receive a minimum stipend of $30,667 for 12-month appointments or $23,000 for Fall/Spring semester appointments (9 months). Funding for MS students, if available, is usually lower. Graduate Assistantships include a tuition waiver, as well as subsidized health care coverage.

Given that both types of assistantships depend on endorsement and/or support of a major professor, it is imperative to reach out to professors before initiating the application process. It should be noted that preference for funded positions is usually given to PhD program applicants over those applying to the MS program.

For incoming PhD students, the department offers a limited number of nine-month teaching fellowships through a competitive selection process. In addition to other application materials, applicants are assessed based on a competitive GRE score, typically requiring a quantitative reasoning score at the 80th percentile or higher. Preference will be given to applicants with a previously earned MS degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Current Openings

Openings for Graduate Assistantships or Postdoctoral Associate positions are often posted on LinkedIn by recruiting faculty. For available positions, search LinkedIn using the tag combination #lsumie #hiring.

Other Financial Awards

The LSU Graduate School offers financial awards in the form of assistantships, scholarships, and fellowships to ease the burden of obtaining an advanced degree. Prospective students should monitor the Graduate School website for funding opportunities. Additional fellowships may be announced by the College of Engineering, for example the Clayton Graduate Assistantship and the Flagship Graduate Assistantship programs. Students who need more information regarding what types of financial support they are eligible for may contact the LSU Financial Aid & Scholarships Office for more assistance.

Travel Awards

Each year, there are limited funds available in form of Graduate Student Association Travel Awards; the application can be found on the LSU Graduate School Awards, Fellowships, Assistantships & Forms page.