Recommended Image Size: 1800x780px
The following Snippets have been configured to display Heros at the top of pages. Hero Snippets also use customizable "nested" snippets. The nested snippets cannot be used as standalone features.
To insert a Hero:
When in edit mode, select insert cursor at the location you want to add this feature.
From the editing toolbar, select "Insert Snippet."
Sort Snippet categories to "[Fierce] Hero."
Click the Hero you want to insert and select "Insert."
For pages with the Hero region integrated onto the page:
Subunit Homepage
Landing Page
Media Center
To enable the Hero region:
Check the page out by clicking the light bulb.
Select the Properties tab.
Under the "Hero Options" section, click the checkbox for the "Hero Region" to display.
Click "Save".
[Fierce] Hero (Default)
This hero contains the following customizations:
custom hero image
customized headline
ability to link to a video with the "Watch Video" button
ability to add image disclosure icon "Hero Purple Overlay (Nested)" or "Purple Overlay (Nested)" to provide more information about the image; the icon can be position top or bottom
ability to add customizable cards or subnavigation tabs at the bottom of the hero (web support team assistance is needed)
[Fierce] Hero Nav (Nested) - custom purple navigation
[Fierce] Hero Cards (Nested) - two white tabs that can minimal text and links
Welcome to LSU
Senior College
College of Human Sciences & Education
BS, Bachelor Science
[Fierce] Hero (Image with Text Only)
This hero contains the following customizations:
custom hero image
customized text
can be positioned:
text overlay color combination provides the following options:
purple (purple background, white text)
black (black background, white text)
gold (gold background, purple text)
white (white background, purple text)
light (light purple background, white text)
no background (light gradient on edges of image, white text)
The base caption is set to bottom-left and uses gold text.
[Fierce] Media Center Hero Heading (Nested)
Used in the Hero (Default) snippet.
This hero contains the following customizations:
customized text
text overlay color combination provides the following options:
purple (purple background, white text)
black (black background, white text)
gold (gold background, purple text)
white (white background, purple text)
light (light purple background, white text)
no background (light gradient on edges of image, white text)
- ability to link to a page