LSU Integrative Community Studies Program require candidates for admission to meet
the following criteria:
Age/Disability Status/Education Requirements
- Must be between 18 and 25 years old
- Have a documented diagnosis of intellectual disability
- Completed a minimum of four years of high school
- Earned a certificate of completion or equivalent for an accredited high school
- Mastery of foundational academic skills such as counting, computation, reading, writing, and typing
Personal Characteristics and Skills
- Desire and motivation to participate in the program and complete the requirements
- Can utilize technology (cell phone, tablet, computer etc.)
- Can perform self-care tasks (administering medication, personal hygiene, appropriate dress, etc.)
- Exhibits behaviors appropriate for a college setting
- Able to communicate with others and express needs
- Have parental support in becoming independent
- Flexible with changes in routine
- Understand procedures for emergency situations
- Has the ability to independently use transportation services and navigate while on campus
- Understands the use of crosswalks, sidewalks, and how to move around campus safely
- Is able to participate in a personal interview
How to Apply
- Download and fill out the Application Checklist below. Save the completed checklist and upload this form in the application.
- Fill out the application using the Application & Document Upload below.
Application & Document Upload | LSU Integrative Community Studies Program